Holy Thursday Foot Washing

Holy Thursday Foot Washing

It is with great pleasure and humility that I extend to you this invitation to participate in the Holy Thursday foot washing ritual. As we prepare to commemorate the Last Supper, an event of profound significance in the Christian tradition, we are called to emulate...
Dying to Self

Dying to Self

Dying to Oneself is at the heart of Lent. We tend to want things on our own terms, not God’s. To Live for God, we need to learn to let go of our self-centeredness and follow the guidance that God has provided us.

Healing our Pride

Healing our Pride

If you were to write a letter to yourself from the voice of God, what would He say about you? What would He say about your attitude, relationships, challenges, worries, hopes, and dreams? Is your self image of yourself interfering with your ability to let God lead you?

Work & Rest

Work & Rest

As we continue our Lenten Message Series on “needy”, Father Michael will take a look at two needs that God wants us to balance in our busy lives – Work & Rest.



It is ironic that the one thing we need most in our life is God, yet He is the one that many times we never give a second thought. We say, “I don’t need God, I can manage this myself,” only to discover that we couldn’t.