Fr. Joey will be giving lots of hugs …

June 28, 2024

This weekend, after serving the Catholic Community of the Holy Spirit with heartfelt love and dedication, Fr. Joey will bid farewell to begin a new journey at St Rose of Lima in Haddon Heights. Fr. Joey will preside at the 4:00 PM Mass Saturday, and the farewell Mass on Sunday at 10:30 AM. Following the 10:30 Mass, join him at the parish picnic. There’ll be hotdogs, hamburgers and lots of good food.  Fr. Joey will be giving out lots of hugs!

Just in case there is bad weather … we will move inside … still with great food. Just say a prayer we have good weather … please God.

Fr. Joey makes the official move on Monday … and we will give a opened arms welcome to Fr. Chris Bakey. May both priests have a weekend experiencing the love and gratitude of their parish communities.

On another note:

Keep our elementary age parishioners who are going through their summer intensive in religious education. Their parents and catechists are making a real difference in their lives. Thank you to them.

Also, speaking of our elementary aged parishioners:

CCHS Gen Now YM is expanding to include 4th, 5th and 6th grade students on Tuesday evenings during July and August. To make this happen, we need VIRTUS cleared adults to step-up and be available to just hang out with our young people. Call Bob Sutliff at the youth office for more information. Let’s make our YM matter!

Have a great weekend and hope to see you at Mass.