Friday, February 16, 2024 – Day 3

February 16, 2024

Is the effort worth it? Absolutely. Will it be worth it?  The authors cite theencounter with Peter after the encounter with the dejected wealthy young man. Peter is concerned because he and the other disciples did give up everything to follow Jesus. Jesus, will it be worth it?  Simply put, Jesus gives the answer: “And everyone who has given up houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands for the sake of my name will receive a hundred times more, andwill inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29)

What were you taught about Jesus and what it means to follow him? 

Do you consider yourself to be a Christ follower? What might the Lord be asking you to give up in order to follow him more closely? 

Do you believe in Jesus’s promise of rewards? Why or why not?

As a spiritual leader, I have deepened my understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to follow him. I would be approached with the question, “Do you have a personal relationship with Christ?”  My answer often was a textbook answer. I do have a very personal relationship. Over the years, it concerns me that many Christ followers have only developed a superficial relationship with Jesus. In other words, we only know what we were taught rather than who we came to know.  For me to follow Jesus, it compels me to know him instead of knowing about him.

Even at my age and state of life, I have much more to let go to be a better Christ follower. I, like you, am a work in progress. It’s a life journey with tremendous rewards. 

Jesus is the promise keeper. He says what he does, and he does what he says. The life we live transitions to inheriting eternal life. Yes, it’s worth it!