Friday, March 1, 2024 – Day 17

March 1, 2024

For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. —Matthew 6:21

Growing up, one of the lessons learned from my mother was sharing what I have with others. We were taught to share toys with our friends. When we went to Mass on Sunday, we offered a portion of our allowance in the collection. Offering God a quarter was a big deal for me. Honestly, I wasn’t thrilled at the time. That quarter could have been used for French Fries on the boardwalk!

Lesson later learned … give back to God in gratitude.  

Michael White and Tom Corcoran raise these questions:

What is your natural attitude toward money? What did your family teach you about money? What lessons have you learned from the culture? 

When has your heart been moved because of how you spent your money? 

In what ways can you use your money to serve God and grow closer to him?

My experience of charitable giving is like most in my generation. We have been given much by God, and if our heart is centered on God, we will give back. As Matthew says, “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be,” I am reminded that money and possessions are temporary. God is eternal and deserves my time, talent and treasure. 

Some time ago, I stopped to give a young homeless man a five-dollar bill. As we exchanged the gift, he looked into my eyes and said, “thank you, God bless you.” My small financial gift came back many times over. He brought Jesus to me. I was five dollars down, but far richer. His eyes I will not forget. 

As a pastor, the talk of God and money is uncomfortable. We worry that if money is mentioned, someone says that’s all we talk about. This reflection offers such a well-balanced understanding of intentional use of my money.