Friday, March 22, 2024 – Day 38

March 22, 2024

God, our heavenly Father, your Son has called me to love the lost. Save me from any self-righteousness or anger when it comes to people who are far from you. I repent of that self-righteousness and seek to join your Son on his mission to seek and to save all people. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Michael White and Tom Corcoran close out today’s reflection with this prayer. It reminds me of the day after my ordination. On the day of ordination, I was congratulated, and many asked for “first priestly blessings.”  I was floating on air and eagerly anticipating celebrating my first Mass the next day. Some of us even went to the beach. The next day came for the first Mass. It was Pentecost Sunday. In all the excitement, someone approached me and asked to hear their confession. The reality of my call hit me in the face. I am called to reconcile sinners, the lost! What hit me more in that moment was an awareness of my own sinfulness and being lost. It was humbling. Yet, I always remember that moment when I encounter the lost. 

Michael White and Tom Corcoran offer these reflection questions today:

Do you tend to get annoyed or angry at people who are lost, or do you have compassion for them? 

Who is one person you know that you would describe as “lost”? 

What would it look like for you to love the lost? How can you specifically love the one person whom you described as lost?

I can get annoyed or frustrated with someone who is “lost.” If they are seeking direction or help, I’m compassionate. If they keep going up wrong roads, I’m frustrated. But I keep reminding myself of my lost experiences and finding the way again. 

The lost person may actually be someone who doesn’t know they’re lost. Most people who look at the Mary Magdalenes of the world as lost, or even the tax collectors. I think those who are the self-righteous today are the lost. 

I hope to be more compassionate and less judgmental of the “lost” in the world today. I hope to be more welcoming of the “lost.” I hope to better introduce the Jesus I know to the lost. I offer the pray at the end of today’s reflection.