Happy Father’s Day!

June 14, 2024

This weekend, our nation, our church and we as a parish take time to honor and thank those who closely model St. Joseph, the father of our Lord. We honor those we call dad, pop, daddy … father.

Father’s Day is a cherished occasion to reflect on and celebrate the profound impact fathers have on our lives. It’s a time to acknowledge the sacrifices they make, the lessons they impart, and the unwavering support they offer. Whether through words, actions, or simple moments shared together, Father’s Day reminds us to appreciate and honor the irreplaceable bond between fathers and their children. We thank you.

As for a well-loved spiritual father to our parish, we will bid farewell to Fr. Joey on June 30 at the 10:30 Mass. Following the Mass, all are invited to stay for a picnic on the Mullica Hill grounds. There’ll be hamburgers, hotdogs and even a bounce house for the kids. Maybe we can get Fr. Joey to try it!

On another note, The parish is introducing a couple opportunities for a 2300 family parish to get smaller… we call them small groups where people can get together to engage in meaningful dialogue and dive deeper into our faith.  If you’d be interested in being a part of our pilot groups, information and sign up is at the parish website. Small groups make a large parish more connectable and engaging.

Again, on behalf of our pastoral team, happy Father’s Day. God bless you.