Monday, February 26, 2024 – Day 13

February 26, 2024

Father Michael White: “This lack of competency is the most common excuse I hear from parishioners when it comes to serving in mission or ministry at the parish: ‘I don’t have the background,’ ‘I don’t have the experience,’ ‘I don’t know the Bible well enough,’ ‘I am not a church person,’ or even ‘I’m not ‘holy’ enough.’”

Yep, in my forty plus years, I’ve heard these excuses. I felt the same way when I was asked to read at Mass at the age of 18. I sat in the back of the classroom and never raised my hand. They want me to read in front of a couple hundred people. No way! I didn’t feel competent. Finally, I gave it a shot. God is persistent. 

Once again, they use the journey of Moses going from excuses to full on commitment. Moses sounds like most of us. These last few days, Rebuilt Faith: A Handbook for Skeptical Catholics has shown us that if we want a deeper relationship with God, we serve in some capacity. We need to be open to God’s call to us and end any excuses. 

The authors ask these questions:

How do you view your work and day-to-day responsibilities—as a job, a career, or a calling? 

What’s on your heart? What and who is at hand to help? What can you do today to pursue God’s call on your life? 

What excuses are you using to keep you from serving God and pursuing his mission for your life?

Like I reflected yesterday, there have been times when I I want to maintain the “status quo” and not “rock the boat.” I’m reminded that my call is to lead the community to a deeper relationship with God. Over the last year, I’m grateful God has lifted up members of the CCHS community to bring Spirit Alive into our community. Sometimes, the boat rocks. 

The reflection prayer today is a commitment to serve:

God, our heavenly Father, I give you thanks for the unique calling you have given me. Help me to better understand the work you have prepared for me and the role that only I can fill in the coming kingdom of your Son. In my service, may I come to know and love you more fully. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.