Monday, March 4, 2024 – Day 20

March 4, 2024

When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right is doing, so that your almsgiving may be secret. And your Father who sees in secret will repay you. —Matthew 6:3–4

This was part of the Gospel proclaimed on Ash Wednesday, along with prayers and fasting. All three have a significant impact on my relationship with God. Almsgiving not only positively impacts me, but those who receive my alms. Our society too often counters this message of Jesus. There is emphasis on me owning my money instead of stewarding what God has given me. 

The reflection from Michael White and Tom Corcoran should help us to understand that we “Christ followers train themselves to see money as a way to increase not only their standard of living but also their standard of giving.” I need to embrace the last part of that statement. They offer these reflection questions:

Who are some people around you in need? Who is the Lazarus outside your door? 

Who are the people in need you naturally feel a tug on your heart to help? 

What charities do you currently support? Why do you support them?

Lazarus is so visible and yet so invisible. Lazarus has become a political hot potato. When I walk in the city, I see Lazarus with the homeless parents in a small tent with their children and pets. I see Lazarus in war torn areas like Ukraine and Gaza … people homeless and starving. I see Lazarus at our Souther border where most migrants are desperate for a better life. Lazarus is in our midst. 

All these groups and more tug on my heart.  I realize none of these Lazarus would get the same health care I’ve received these last four years. 

Presently, outside of the parish, I support South Jersey Catholic Ministries (House of Charity). I also offer support for St. Jude’s Research Hospital and Abramson Cancer Center at Penn. As I reflect on the four Ps yesterday, I can do more.

These charities and our parish offer God’s healing touch. I’ve personally witnessed their care and charity. I know they are doing God’s work.