Need for Healing

March 7, 2024

This weekend, we continue our message series entitled NEEDY

If you were to write a letter to yourself from the voice of God, what would He say about you?  What would He say about your attitude, relationships, challenges, worries, hopes, and dreams? Is your self-image of yourself interfering with your ability to let God lead you?

In today’s hectic and confusing world, we sometimes feel we don’t need God’s help, we can do it alone. This weekend, March 9 & 10, Father Joe will teach us that, more than ever, we need the healing love of God in our lives right now.

And for those who are reading the book Rebuilt Faith: A Handbook for Skeptical Catholics, know I am on the journey with you. If you are reading it with someone, great. If you are interested in my reflection, I’m posting a daily blog on the parish website. More information to follow up the book will come soon!

By the way, don’t forget to spring forward this weekend. Turn your clocks ahead before going to bed Saturday so youre on time for Mass Sunday. 

On Monday evening, we will have the Lenten Penance Service for the parish at 7:00 PM in the Woodstown Parish Center. 

Enjoy the weekend!  God bless you.