Join Us in Prayer

Even a few minutes can change your day

Prayer Request Form

Our community of faith cares about you! We believe prayer is a way for people of faith to be people of love. Submit your prayer request using the provided form.

NOTE: Please verify that you have the permission to share any confidential information before submitting requests. If in doubt, make your request but leave out any identifying information about people and their conditions.

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Remember a loved one

Mass Intentions

Mass intentions are accepted at the parish office and the information desk.  Included with the requested Mass Intention is a Mass Card that includes the Mass Intention information (i.e. Name of Intention, Date & Time of requested Mass, name of those
requesting the Mass)*

The requested donation is $15.

Spiritual Enrollment

By enrolling a loved one in this program, he/she will be remembered at one mass per month for an entire year. Upon enrolling a loved one, you will receive a commemorative padded folder for display and a list of the twelve Masses.

The requested donation is $25.

Sanctuary Candle

The Sanctuary Candle may also be requested to burn in Memory of a loved one in Mullica Hill or Woodstown for an entire week beginning on Sunday and going through the following Saturday.

The requested donation is $15.

Altar Flowers

Altar Flowers may be purchased in Memory of a loved one for the altar in Mullica Hill or Woodstown.

The requested donation is $25.

*Masses can be said for someone who has died, as well as for someone who is sick, and for special intentions such as birthdays and  anniversaries. There are multiple intentioned Masses at either the 4 PM or 9 AM Mass each week.

For any questions or inquires please contact the Parish Office at 856-478-2294  x1002