Rebuilt Faith Blog Series

February 13, 2024

Many of you have committed yourselves to a forty-day journey reflecting on daily readings from Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran’s book, Rebuilt Faith: A Handbook for Skeptical Catholics. Over the next forty days, beginning with Ash Wednesday, I will join with you and share a little of my journey.

Try to take ten minutes a day to read Michael and Tom’s reflection. They offer tree questions for reflection.  I’d suggest a journal to write your answers and anything else that the Spirit inspires you. Close out your ten minutes with the prayer offered.

Committing to a forty-day journey may seem daunting, but once you get in the rhythm, it will be a natural part of your day. If you miss a day or two, don’t worry, just get back on track.

In the introduction, the authors say “We know God has great things in store for you over the next forty days. He can take your faith to a new level, to the next level. You can come to know God’s grace, favor, and loving-kindness in a new way, a personal way. We invite and encourage you to make time to uncover for yourself what really matters.”

If you don’t have a copy and want to take this journey, you can go to Amazon for a copy. They have both book and e-book versions. It’s not to late.

I’ll post my blog starting Ash Wednesday. It’s about that first question, “Who is Jesus in my life?”