Saturday, February 17, 2024 – Day 4

February 17, 2024

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. —St. John the Baptist

As we come to worship this weekend, there is such a profound moment in the Mass when the priest raises the consecrated host and repeats these words. For me, it’s a moving moment. I am called to introduce my friend, my savior, my Lord. All of us encounter him on a level much deeper. The Lamb of God desires friendship with us!

The encounters cited by Michael White and Tom Corcoran show the playfulness of Jesus as the hypocritical religious leaders tried to trap him repeatedly. He never got rattled … they got rattled. I think it’s important for us to ground ourselves in the reflection questions today. There is much hypocrisy with religious and civil leaders that distorts the mission of Christ today.  The authors pose these questions:

Do you like Jesus? Why or why not? 

What are your thoughts on having a friendship with Jesus? 

What are the character traits of people you like? Do you think Jesus shares these same traits?

Jesus, my friend challenges me to look at my hypocrisies and be more authentic. Aren’t that what friends are for? Not only do I like Jesus personally, but I’m also grateful that he uncovers my need to strive for authenticity. 

Having a personal friendship with Jesus is the ultimate relationship. I can’t go wrong. I see the traits of loyalty, honesty, compassion, sacrifice, challenging, eye opening, and a great sense of humor in Jesus. When I see those traits in someone, I want to better know them better and open to friendship. 

This weekend, when you are at Mass, and hear the words, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world,” know Jesus is there a want to be friends.