Saturday, March 2, 2024 – Day 18

March 2, 2024

One of the humorous realities priests and funeral directors tell people, “I’ve been in many funeral processions over the years. There have been many different vehicles in the procession. In all my years, I have never seen a U-Haul in a funeral procession.” Funny, and true. Our money is temporary, and we leave it behind for greater treasure. 

The reflection questions posed today by Michael White and Tom Corcoran:

What reaction do you have to the idea that you are a steward and not an owner of money and possessions? 

What do you think Jesus means by true riches? 

How can you remind yourself that your money and possessions are temporary and not eternal?

Like I said, the possession of money and other material goods is temporary. I’ll leave both behind. The parable used by Jesus today is a bit confusing, but reminds me that I’m called to be a steward … I’m not the owner. God is the owner of all I steward. 

When I contemplate the true riches, it is far beyond the temporary riches of money and material goods. Remembering that when I go home to God, I can’t bring the U-Haul, I might be better off drawing closer to God as the reflection prayer closes,

“Help me embrace that role so that I use money to invest in others and for my own good in the light of eternity. May I one day receive the true riches you intend for me. I pray through Christ our Lord.”