Sunday, February 18, 2024, First Sunday of Lent – Day 5

February 18, 2024

As we come together in worship this a first Sunday of Lent, Fr. Joey is starting our
Lenten Message Series entitled Needy. This weekend, Fr. Joey says, “We are
tempted to turn our needs into our gods, to make them the whole being of our
life. Our needs invite us to make them into our gods, to pursue them at all costs.
We turn to one person and expect him or her to meet all our needs in a
relationship.” In short, our need is to acknowledge God is God, and we are not.

As I continue with Rebuilt Faith: A Handbook for Skeptical Catholics, these are
today’s reflection questions:

When have you been bored in church? When have you been distracted in

What about church or prayer do you find boring? Why?

Growing up, what images did you have of Jesus of Nazareth?

I imagine most of us are sometimes bored at church. It could that we “aren’t
getting anything out of it,” or something that disconnects me from the experience.
It’s important for me to be reminded that worship is not a consumer activity, but a
time to gather with a community of shared faith and values to give thanks to God.
Yes, there are times when I get distracted and even bored, I just need to be aware
and refocus with purpose … worship and praise for Jesus.

Growing up, the image of Jesus I had was either the baby Jesus, the sweet Jesus,
the Good Friday Jesus, but not the angry Jesus. The authors shared the example in
John’s Gospel of John when Jesus becomes angry with the money changers in the
Temple. His anger was bold and intentional. Jesus disrupted the corruption of the
religious leaders. The more I get to know him, the more I am engaged with less
chance of boredom and distraction.

Also, this weekend, with intentionality, I acknowledge God IS God, and I am not!