Thursday, March 7, 2024 – Day 23

March 7, 2024

As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body. —1 Corinthians 12:12–13a

This passage from St. Paul has always inspired me how each of us is an important part of the Body of Christ. We need one another in the work of Jesus. My calling is different from someone else. My gifts and talents are different from others. Together, our callings, gifts and talents make all the difference. 

Growing up, I served Mass and lectored at St. Augustine Church in Ocean City. I was very involved in campus ministry at Mount Saint Mary’s College. They were my parishes and I got involved. I always felt connected and valued in those experiences. 

The reflection questions offered today:

Who were the people who were helpful in your faith formation when growing up? 

When have you seen the benefit of gathering with other Christ followers? How have such gatherings nourished your soul and built up your faith? 

Are you part of a faith community? If so, what do you love about it? If not, what makes you resist being part of a faith community?

My family was very influential in my faith journey. We made the Mass as the pivotal time in our week. When I was at college, my social life was mostly with those who were connected with the church.  

In my experience at CCHS, the time I spend with our faith community is always inspiring and uplifting. During the last four years of my cancer journey, the faith community has been the source of my healing. With God, my healthcare team, family and the CCHS community, I am blessed.