It is ironic that the one thing we need most in our life is God, yet He is the one that many times we never give a second thought. We say, “I don’t need God, I can manage this myself,” only to discover that we couldn’t.

Lenten Message Series

Lenten Message Series

Spirituality 101 is this: there is a God and it is not you. As human beings, we are creatures; God is the Creator, and we are the created. This means that we are not entirely self-sufficient, but we have needs that are outside ourselves.

Rebuilt Faith Blog Series

Rebuilt Faith Blog Series

Many of you have committed yourselves to a forty-day journey reflecting on daily readings from Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran’s book, Rebuilt Faith: A Handbook for Skeptical Catholics. Over the next forty days, beginning with Ash Wednesday, I will join with you...
Lent is almost here!

Lent is almost here!

Can you believe it … February is here, and lent is less than two weeks away. This Sunday, our youth minister, Bob Sutliff is inviting parents to a meeting … Let’s talk youth ministry. In Woodstown at 11:30.  A second presentation will take place in Mullica Hill next...
Fish With Me

Fish With Me

Let’s Go Fishing … It spite of the messy weather last weekend, it was great seeing so many coming to worship and praise our God. Last weekend, in the Spirit Alive message series, we heard Jesus invite disciples to come after him. He would show them how to fish for new...